Covering Up

I decided to put a cover on my VMD (Visiting Mr. Darwin) moleskine reporter notebook. Actually, it was purposely engineered to cover up an ugly stain of my own creation. Anyway, I've always wanted to decorate a moleskine notebook and have recently been inspired by some of the notebooks I've seen on Flickr and elsewhere on the web. I'm not a artist (although I believe that we all have some artist within us and are usually just afraid to let it get loose), but in the image collage I wanted to portray some of the important aspects of Mr. Darwin's life and work - the H.M.S. Beagle, His home at Downe, and something portraying him and his work (the portrait and the finch beak illustration, respectively).
I'm hoping for inspiration and perseverance with this notebook. Maybe a little visual stimuli will help.
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