Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What's this all about?

Well, honestly I'm not sure yet.

Although I read a lot of blogs, I have never tried my hand at writing one. Anyway, it looks like next year in early June I'll be in London on business for about a week and it just recently occurred to me that Darwin's home (Downe House) is only about 16 miles outside of town - that perfect opportunity! I've always been fascinated by Darwin (more on this later) so I decided to make this whole thing into a mini-project with no particular concrete outcome or goal. Something just to have some fun with!

Since I am a long-time dedicated user of Moleskine Notebooks (these things have a cult-like following - just do a Google on "moleskine" - or look at http://www.moleskineus.com), I started a new one specifically for this project - a "technology" that I'm sure Darwin would have been very familiar with.

But now I'm augmenting my notebook with a blog - a "technology" obviously unknown to Darwin, but one I think he would have approved of were it available - Would Darwin have blogged? - My gut instinct screams YES! - but it's a question that may require some careful consideration and thought-time.

Well, let's see where this whole thing takes us - shall we?


At 6:09 PM, Blogger Robert A. Bernardini said...

Best wishes on that London soiree, roadmeister. BTW I have a large steamer trunk with mulitple 2" holes drilled in both ends. Do you think you might be able to take it along with you? I am practicing yoga to master sustained, confined positions like Kitten In Lunchbag.

I know, I know, TSA don't play those games anymore, but London's a favorite destination and I had to try.

Looking forward to hearing more about travels and Darwinian discoveries.


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